Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Birthday!! Pelé, Brazilian Soccer Star........

October 23, 2011
by Mainul Islam.
Pelé turned a childhood of playing soccer in a small Brazilian village into athletic stardom. Known as “The King of Football,” he spent his career breaking records and defying expectations.

Pelé's Early Days

Born Oct. 23, 1940, in Três Corações, Brazil, to Dondinho, a semiprofessional soccer player and Maria Celeste Arantes, Pelé’s given name was Edson Arantes do Nascimento, but they called him “Dico” for short.

Despite his mother’s protestations—her husband had not made a good living from soccer—as soon as he was able, Pelé began to kick a soccer ball. He was a quick study and developed a keen passion for the game, which was the most popular sport in his country. In 1950, after Brazil’s loss in the World Cup Finals, Pelé consoled his crying father, saying, “Don’t worry. One day I’ll win it.”

That day came sooner than anyone would have thought: at 11, Pelé was spotted by Waldemar de Brito, a top Brazilian soccer player. When he was 14, he joined the juniors of a local club team and at 16 he joined the team he would play with for the next 18 years.

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